Key | Value |
Table | DS07 IPMR Header |
Severity | MINOR |
Unique ID | 9070302 |
Summary | Is the PM EAC Likely dollars value less than the cost-calculated EAC? |
Error message | EAC_PM_Likely_dollars < sum of DS03.ACWPc + DS03.ETCc + DS07.UB_est_dollars. |
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The Data Integrity and Quality (DIQ) check titled "PM EAC Likely Misaligned with Calculated EAC" is designed to ensure that the Project Manager's Estimated At Completion (PM EAC) in dollars is not less than the calculated EAC. This check is performed on the DS07 IPMR Header table.
The calculated EAC is the sum of the Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) and the Estimate To Complete (ETC) from the DS03 Cost table, plus the Undistributed Budget (UB) estimate in dollars from the DS07 IPMR Header table. If the PM EAC in dollars is less than this calculated EAC, the check will flag an error.
The fields involved in this check are the EAC_PM_Likely_dollars from the DS07 IPMR Header table, and the ACWPi_dollars, ETCi_dollars from the DS03 Cost table, and the UB_est_dollars from the DS07 IPMR Header table.
If an error is flagged, it is likely due to either an underestimation of the PM EAC or an overestimation of the ACWP, ETC, or UB estimate. The PM EAC should be adjusted to be equal to or greater than the calculated EAC to resolve the issue.
The following text was generated by an AI tool and hasn't been reviewed for accuracy by a human! It might be useful, but it also might have errors. Are you a human? You can help by reviewing it for accuracy! Edit it as needed then remove this message.
This test is being performed to ensure that the Project Manager's Estimate at Completion (PM EAC) in terms of likely dollars is not less than the cost-calculated EAC. The cost-calculated EAC is the sum of the Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWPc), the Estimate to Complete (ETCc), and the Undistributed Budget estimate in dollars (UB_est_dollars).
The importance of this check is to ensure that the project manager's estimate aligns with the calculated costs. If the PM's EAC is less than the calculated EAC, it could indicate that the project manager is underestimating the cost to complete the project, which could lead to budget overruns and project delays.
The severity of this check is an MINOR, which means it's not a critical issue that would prevent the data from being reviewed, but it's a potential problem that could cause minor issues during analysis. It's also an indication that the data may not be following best practices for project cost estimation.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnDIQ_DS07_IPMR_IsCalculatedEACGtPMEACLikely] (
@upload_id int = 0
upload_ID = @upload_ID
AND EAC_PM_likely_dollars < (
SELECT SUM(ACWPi_dollars) + SUM(ETCi_dollars)
FROM DS03_cost
WHERE upload_ID = @upload_ID
) + ISNULL(UB_est_dollars,0)