Key | Value |
Table | DS13 Subcontract |
Severity | MAJOR |
Unique ID | 1130526 |
Summary | Is the baseline start date missing? |
Error message | BL_start_date is missing. |
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Test Title: Missing BL Start
Table: DS13 Subcontract
Test Summary: This Data Integrity and Quality (DIQ) check is designed to identify if the baseline start date (BL_start_date) is missing in the DS13 Subcontract table.
Error Message: BL_start_date is missing.
Explanation: This error is likely to occur when the baseline start date (BL_start_date) field in the DS13 Subcontract table is not populated. The baseline start date is a critical piece of information for project management, as it provides a reference point for tracking project progress and performance. If this field is left blank, it could lead to inaccuracies in project tracking and reporting. Therefore, it is essential that each record in the DS13 Subcontract table has a valid baseline start date.
To resolve this issue, ensure that the BL_start_date field is populated for each record in the DS13 Subcontract table. The expected value for this field is a valid date.
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This test is being performed on the 'DS13 Subcontract' table to check if the baseline start date (BL_start_date) is missing. The baseline start date is crucial as it provides a reference point against which the progress of the project can be measured. It is used to compare the planned and actual start dates, which helps in identifying any delays or early starts in the project.
The severity of this test is marked as 'MAJOR', which implies that the absence of this data could potentially cause problems during the analysis of the project's progress. It might lead to inaccurate results and misinterpretations about the project's status. Therefore, it is important to address this issue to ensure the integrity and quality of the project management data.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnDIQ_DS13_SubK_IsBLStartMissing] (
@upload_id int = 0
upload_ID = @upload_ID
AND BL_start_date IS NULL