The purpose of this Wiki is to provide guidance, procedural steps, and requirements for federal analyst interaction with the Oversight and Assessment module of PARS.
The procedural steps in this document applies to all PARS Users (based on user permission rights) who are responsible for the update of project records to reconcile with programmatic milestones or changes. These steps apply to all project subject to DOE Order 413.3B meeting the current threshold of $50 million or more, except where noted. For example, major system projects (MSP) and nuclear projects have additional requirements. DOE Order 413.3B identifies the thresholds. Many of the actions listed also apply to projects in PARS below the threshold level of $50,000,000.
The user reference is a compilation of user actions set up in a format with a title, screen shots, and a check list to complete. The intent is to help a user complete all tasks associated with the specific action they are working towards, whether it is CD-2 approval or updating the FPD toolbox after adjusting federal ODCs for a project. This user reference will be updated as changes occur, and a notice placed in the monthly PARS user email sent out announcing a new period