The PBK Project Picker table allows users to filter for PARS Projects before navigating to their respective PBK Tables. Users can show/hide OA & EV columns found in the database, as well as apply filters to any visible columns to help them find projects matching a certain criteria.
The Project Picker is highly flexible, and there is often more than one way to accomplish an outcome. Here we've captured the best ways to filter, toggle column visibility, and sort.
There are four ways to filter using the table.
Column Input Filter
. The column input row resides just below the headers and allows users to input values directly. Users can input text and the grid will automatically begin filtering. The default for this filter is as a "text contains" filter, meaning the filter will search the entire field for matching text.Advanced Column Filter
. Each column has a funnel icon that users can click to open an advanced filtering menu, which provides options based on the columns data type: text, date, number. Text filters include standard contains, not contains, equals, etc., while date & number filters include standard greater than, less than, equals, etc.Note: This filter can also be found within the menu directly within the column header. To access it, click the three lines and select the funnel.
Sidebar Filter
. The sidebar filter functions in the same way as the Advanced Column Filter, only it resides on the far right of the screen. Use the Search... input to filter for column names, and then input values into the Filter... menu.Note: The Project Picker defaults to Active projects. This is active upon page load in the Next Status
The default columns for Project Picker are these: PARSID, Program, Project Name, Project Acronym, Next Status, BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, BAC, and EAC. All columns are resizable and can be moved around by click & dragging them across the table.
There are two mechanisms to toggle column visibility. Both work in the same way.
Column Header Menu
. The column header menu, which becomes visible when the mouse hovers over the column header, contains a sub-menu to search for and toggle column visibilty. Use the Search… input to filter for column names and then check/un-check the box to toggle/untoggle visibility.Sidebar
. The columns menu in the sidebar on the right functions in the exact same way as the Column Header Menu
. Search for columns by name and check/un-check the box.