1070273 |
High or Low Escalation Rate Percent |
Is the escalation rate percentage exceptionally low (below 3%) or high (above 20%)? |
escalation_rate_pct <= 0.03 or > 0.2. |
1070335 |
UB Estimated Greater Than UB Budgeted (Days) |
Is the UB estimated days amount greater than UB budgeted? |
UB_est_days > UB_est_days. |
1070336 |
UB Estimated Greater Than UB Budgeted (Dollars) |
Is the UB estimated dollar amount greater than UB budgeted? |
UB_est_dollars > UB_est_dollars. |
1070337 |
MR Reprogramming |
Is there MR reprogramming? |
MR_rpg <> 0. |
1070342 |
UB Budget Days without UB Budget Dollars |
Are there UB budget days but no UB budget dollars? |
UB_bgt_days <> 0 & UB_bgt_dollars = 0. |
1070343 |
UB Budget without UB Estimate (Days) |
Are there UB budget days but no UB estimated days? |
UB_bgt_days <> 0 & UB_est_day = 0. |
1070344 |
UB Budget Dollars without UB Budget Days |
Are there UB budget dollars but no UB budget dayss? |
UB_bgt_dollars <> 0 & UB_bgt_days = 0. |
1070345 |
UB Budget without UB Estimate (Dollars) |
Are there UB budget dollars but no UB estimated dollars? |
UB_bgt_dollars <> 0 & UB_est_dollars = 0. |
1070346 |
UB Estimated without UB Budget (Days) |
Are there UB estimated days but no UB budget days? |
UB_est_days <> 0 & UB_bgt_days = 0. |
1070347 |
UB Estimated Days without UB Estimated Dollars |
Are there UB estimated days but no UB estimated dollars? |
UB_est_days <> 0 & UB_est_dollars = 0. |
1070348 |
UB Estimated without UB Budget (Dollars) |
Are there UB estimated dollars but no UB budget dollars? |
UB_est_dollars <> 0 & UB_bgt_dollars = 0. |
1070349 |
UB Estimated Dollars without UB Estimated Days |
Are there UB estimated dollars but no UB estimated days? |
UB_est_dollars <> 0 & UB_est_days = 0. |
1070354 |
Zero Profit Fee |
Is profit fee zero? |
profit_fee_dollars = 0. |
1070356 |
Over-Optimistic Cost QRA |
Is the quantitative risk analysis confidence level for cost above 95%? |
QRA_CL_cost_pct > .95. |
1070358 |
Over-Optimistic Schedule QRA |
Is the quantitative risk analysis confidence level for schedule above 95%? |
QRA_CL_schedule_pct > .95. |
1070362 |
Zero Favorable Cost Cum Dollar Threshold |
Is the favorable cost cum dollar threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_cum_dollar_fav = 0. |
1070363 |
Zero Unfavorable Cost Cum Dollar Threshold |
Is the unfavorable cost cum dollar threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_cum_dollar_unfav = 0. |
1070364 |
Zero Favorable Cost Cum Percent Threshold |
Is the favorable cost cum percent threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_cum_pct_fav = 0. |
1070365 |
Zero Unfavorable Cost Cum Percent Threshold |
Is the unfavorable cost cum percent threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_cum_pct_unfav = 0. |
1070366 |
Zero Favorable Cost Inc Dollar Threshold |
Is the favorable cost inc dollar threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_inc_dollar_fav = 0. |
1070367 |
Zero Unfavorable Cost Inc Dollar Threshold |
Is the unfavorable cost inc dollar threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_inc_Dollar_unfav = 0. |
1070368 |
Zero Favorable Cost Inc Percent Threshold |
Is the favorable cost inc percent threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_inc_pct_fav = 0. |
1070369 |
Zero Unfavorable Cost Inc Percent Threshold |
Is the unfavorable cost inc percent threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_inc_pct_unfav = 0. |
1070370 |
Zero Favorable Cost VAC Percent Threshold |
Is the favorable cost VAC percent threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_VAC_pct_fav = 0. |
1070371 |
Zero Unfavorable Cost VAC Percent Threshold |
Is the unfavorable cost VAC percent threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_VAC_pct_unfav = 0. |
1070372 |
Zero Favorable Schedule Cum Dollar Threshold |
Is the favorable schedule cum dollar threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_schedule_cum_dollar_fav = 0. |
1070373 |
Zero Unfavorable Schedule Cum Dollar Threshold |
Is the unfavorable schedule cum dollar threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_schedule_cum_dollar_unfav = 0. |
1070374 |
Zero Favorable Schedule Cum Percent Threshold |
Is the favorable schedule cum percent threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_schedule_cum_pct_fav = 0. |
1070375 |
Zero Unfavorable Schedule Cum Percent Threshold |
Is the unfavorable schedule cum percent threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_schedule_cum_pct_unfav = 0. |
1070376 |
Zero Favorable Schedule Inc Dollar Threshold |
Is the favorable schedule inc dollar threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_schedule_inc_dollar_fav = 0. |
1070377 |
Zero Unfavorable Schedule Inc Dollar Threshold |
Is the unfavorable schedule inc dollar threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_schedule_inc_Dollar_unfav = 0. |
1070378 |
Zero Favorable Schedule Inc Percent Threshold |
Is the favorable schedule inc percent threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_schedule_inc_pct_fav = 0. |
1070379 |
Zero Unfavorable Schedule Inc Percent Threshold |
Is the unfavorable schedule inc percent threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_schedule_inc_pct_unfav = 0. |
1070380 |
CPE Contract Type |
Is this a CPE contract type? |
type = CPE. |
1070389 |
Zero Favorable Cost VAC Dollar Threshold |
Is the favorable cost VAC dollar threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_VAC_dollar_fav = 0. |
1070390 |
Zero Unfavorable Cost VAC Dollar Threshold |
Is the unfavorable cost VAC dollar threshold equal to zero? |
threshold_cost_VAC_dollar_unfav = 0. |
9070302 |
PM EAC Likely Misaligned with Calculated EAC |
Is the PM EAC Likely dollars value less than the cost-calculated EAC? |
EAC_PM_Likely_dollars < sum of DS03.ACWPc + DS03.ETCc + DS07.UB_est_dollars. |
9070303 |
PM EAC Best Date Misaligned with Cost Estimates |
Is the PM EAC Best date earlier than the last recorded ETC plus estimated UB? |
EAC_PM_best_date < last DS03.period_date where ETCi > 0 (hours, dollars, or FTEs) + DS07.UB_EST_days. |
9070304 |
PM EAC Best Date Prior to End of PMB Milestone |
Is the PM EAC Best date earlier than the End of PMB milestone? |
EAC_PM_Best < minimum DS04.EF_date where milestone_level = 175 (BL or FC). |
9070305 |
PM EAC Likely Date Misaligned with Cost Estimates |
Is the PM EAC likely date earlier than the last recorded ETC plus estimated UB? |
EAC_PM_likely < last DS03.period_date where ETCi > 0 (hours, dollars, or FTEs) + DS07.UB_EST_days. |
9070306 |
PM EAC Likely Date Prior to End of PMB Milestone |
Is the PM EAC Likely date earlier than the End of PMB milestone? |
EAC_PM_Likely < minimum DS04.EF_date where milestone_level = 170 (BL or FC). |
9070307 |
PM EAC Likely Date After Contract Completion |
Is the PM EAC Likely date later than the Contract Completion milestone? |
EAC_PM_Likely_date > minimum DS04.EF_date where milestone_level = 180 (FC only). |
9070310 |
RPG without OTB/OTS Date |
Are there RPG tasks without an OTB/OTS Date? |
DS04 tasks with RPG = Y found without DS07.OTB_OTS_Date. |
9070350 |
PM EAC Best Misaligned with Calculated EAC |
Is the PM EAC Best dollars value less than the cost-calculated EAC? |
EAC_PM_Best_dollars < sum of DS03.ACWPc + DS03.ETCc + DS07.UB_est_dollars. |
9070353 |
PM EAC Worst Date Later Than CD-4 |
Is the PM EAC Worst date later than the CD-4 milestone date? |
EAC_PM_worst_date > DS04.EF_date where milestone_level = 190 (FC only). |
9070362 |
EAC PM Likely Incommensurate with WAD BAC |
Is the EAC PM likely considerably different from the BAC as reported in the WADs? |
9070364 |
EAC > BAC without OTB / OTS Date |
Is EAC greater than BAC without an OTB / OTS date? |
DS03.ACWPc + DS03.ETCc > DS03.BCWSc & OTB_OTS_date is missing or blank. |
9070366 |
Profit Fee Misaligned With CC Log Detail |
Is profit fee misaligned with the dollars delta for profit fee transactions in the CC log detail? |
profit_fee_dollars <> sum of DS10.dollars_delta where category = profit-fee. |